With dental implants, you can get back your enjoyment for life

The benefits of dental implants are far more than just aesthetic. At Broadway Dental Clinic in Loughton we are strong advocates of replacing missing teeth one way or another, ideally very soon after they are lost. Doing otherwise risks both your dental and general health and wellbeing.

dental-implants-LoughtonMore often than not we find that dental implants are the best way to do so. We have a skilled implantology team at our Loughton dental clinic, who can replace anything from one to all of your natural teeth with dental implants. We are even able to help patients who have already experienced some loss of density in the jaw bone – a common side-effect of tooth loss – by performing a bone graft or sinus lift procedure to regenerate bone density to adequate levels to support implants.

In cases where all the teeth in one or both jaws need to be replaced, dental implants are usually a better solution that unsecured dentures. Traditional dentures do nothing to address the problem of bone loss, and it is this that can make them loose, uncomfortable, and unwieldy.

Dental implants are bionic tooth roots made out of titanium, which is osteoconductive (meaning they are supportive of bone growth) and highly compatible with the human body. At our Loughton dental clinic we can place your implants under either local anaesthetic or intravenous conscious sedation, depending on your treatment preferences.

For denture stabilisation – also known as implant overdentures – your Loughton dentist will place the required number of dental implants (usually between four and eight per jaw) and after a period of healing will attach your dentures on top, giving you back all the functionality of natural teeth. You will still be able to take your dentures out to clean them, but otherwise they will stay firmly in your mouth with no danger of slippage.

Your Loughton implant dentist can also place a single dental implant and a crown to replace one missing tooth, and can use a series of implants to support a bridge – containing anything from a few to a full arch of teeth. These new teeth will last for many years.