Dental implants for patients who have suffered bone loss

For years, dental implants were often denied to patients who had experienced bone loss. However, times and techniques have changed, and at Loughton clinic Broadway Dental Care we have a skilled implantology team who can treat even complex cases where some bone loss has already occurred.

dental-implants-loughtonEven if your own dentist has told you that a lack of bone density makes you unsuitable for dental implants, get in touch with the team at Broadway Dental Care in Loughton. In many cases implant treatment is in fact possible; you may just need an additional procedure to rebuild your bone density first.

A bone graft may be required in the lower jaw, while a sinus lift is a commonly-used oral surgical procedure used to rebuild bone density in the upper jaw. This procedure extends into the sinus cavity above the jaw and packs the space with bone graft material. Over a few months, this material will be incorporated by the surrounding bone and will form a very solid structure which is capable of supporting dental implants.

Dental implants for denture wearers

Patients who have worn traditional dentures for a number of years are particularly prone to bone loss, because the dentures don’t replace the tooth roots and without these roots in place the jaw bone may start to resorb.

This is a common cause of loose dentures – false teeth that once fitted well but over time become increasingly unwieldy and uncomfortable as the bone shrinks back. At our Loughtondental practice, we offer denture stabilisation, which involves placing between four and eight dental implants in your jaw bone to support your dentures.

Dental implants act as bionic tooth roots, helping to prevent the problem of bone loss. You will still be able to remove your dentures – your dentist will show you how – but they won’t become loose or slip out.